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Jan 2020
Yeah THAT'S RIGHT ... !!!!!!    
I'M NOT YOUR ***** ... !!!!!!!!!!  
Say What You Like ...    
But DON'T EVER THINK ... !!!    
That You ... " CONTROL " ...    
How MY LIFE Goes ... !!!!!!!!    
You're ... CLEARLY LOST ... !!!    
And In ... " A Zone " ...    
With The Rest of The Clones ...    
Unable To STOP ....................................    
Your Lips From Saying STUPID Things ... !?!    
If I Was Your ***** You'd Get ... DISMISSED ... !!!!!    
You're A Walking Talking ... USELESS **** ... !!!!!!!    
Whose Thought Waves STINK .... !!!!!    
of Something NEEDING Time With Shrinks ... !!!!!!!!!!    
HOW DARE YOU Try To Say That I ...    
Should Just Come RUNNING When You Call ... ?!?    
Let Me Tell You Something ...    
Your Downfall Will Come From ... HIGH ... !!!    
Look At Me I'm TALL ... !!!!!!!    
While YOU Are ..... "small" ......    
In Mind And Size ... !!!    
BELIEVE ... " THAT'S RIGHT " ... !!!!!!!!!    
It Is ... UNWISE ...    
To Mess With Minds ...    
NOT Simplified By Foolish Pride ...    
You CLEARLY Are ... One of Those Guys ...    
A ******* of The ... " Human Kind " ... !!!    
But Some Females Too ...    
Are Quite ... " Confused " ... ?!?    
By Views They Hold ...    
That Make Them ... BOLD ...    
One Night I Was TOLD ...    
By ... One of Their Fold ...    
"You're a diva, and a bully !"    
Which She Thought Was .... " FUNNY " .... !!!!!    
Until I Chose To TWIST The Joke ... !!!    
"Are you snorting coke ?    
be careful what you say, in a public place,    
cos' we both know how the story goes !    
I asked you out, and tried to be nice !    
So, come on now, can you explain why    
you never replied to the text I sent ?    
Once I mentioned black men, being in    
your bed, it was like that text, left you fingerless ?"    
Now She May NOT Be ...    
Out And Out ... RACIST  ... ?    
But Closets KEEP Some Dark Secrets ... !!!    
Trust Me ... " THAT'S RIGHT ! " ...    
People of ... ALL Colour Types ...  !!!  
DON'T Like To Look INSIDE THEMSELVES ...  !!!    
Cos' Some Get SHOOK When CRACKING Shells ... !!!!!    
What They Use To PROTECT Has Little Defence ...
Against REALITY CHECKS That Question Them ... ???    
What They STAND For ... And What THEY CLAIM ...    
This Piece Fa SURE Will HURT Their Brains ... !!!!!    
The Types Who Choose To HURL ABUSE ... !!!!!    
From ............................ FAR AWAY Where They Feel SAFE ...    
They're Out There Folks And That's NO JOKE ... !!!!    
The Ones' Who LIKE TO ... "Hide Behind" ...    
FAKE Hugs And Smiles And Being ... " Nice " ... !!!!!    
You Know I'm Right They're SO POLITE ...    
Instead of  Just ... Being FORTHRIGHT ... !!!    
They Choose To Hide Behind A Pint ...    
Or Like Divas ... Behind A Mic ... !!!!!    
The Words I Write UPSET Their Kind ... !!!!!    
Because They're Thinking .....    
"Who am I, to speak about, what's in their minds !"    
Well If They Doubt That My Insight ...    
Reflects What's TRUE ...    
Why Do They Do The Things They DO ... !!?!!    
Like Apologise ... Through Snake Like Eyes ...    
Or Send Texts At UNGODLY Times ...    
And Drop Comments That AREN'T Well Meant ... !!!    
These Things Are Bred From ... IGNORANCE ... !!!!!!!!!!!      
Some Would Say That They're Just SCARED ... !!!    
Well My Wordplay And ... INTELLECT ...    
Will SCARE Them And Those They Call Friends ... !!!!!    
Because I STICK To Simple Things ...    
NOT Playing Tricks To Prove I'm SLICK ...      
I'm Slick Because I'm MY OWN BOSS ... !!!    
And Pay The Cost of ... Being STRONG ... !!!!    
Instead of A WEAK ... Follower of SHEEP ... !!!    
The Sheep Are BLEATING ... EVERY Week ... !!!    
But RUN From Sheepdogs ... Shepherds KEEP ... !!!    
Like .... " Samuel " ....    
I Am TRYING TO BE ...    
A Shepherd In THIS Living Hell ... !!!    
So ... Do Me A FAVOUR ...    
DON'T Mess With Me Or MY Light Saber ... !!!!    
Speak When You Are ... " Spoken To " ... !!!    
DON'T Be RUDE And KEEP Your Cool ... !!!    
Then I Won't Have To Utilise Views ...    
That Give CLEAR PROOF ... !!!    
That Moves You Pull ...    
May Leave You BRUISED ...    
Like ... SODDEN Tissues ... !!!    
Because You CHOOSE ...    
ABUSE FILLED Routes ...    
YES I'm THAT DUDE ... !!!    
Who'll ... Leave You SCHOOLED ... !!!!!!!!    
I'm NOT A Diva ... Or Your ***** ... !!!!    
I'm A Lyricist Whose Thoughts Are ... " DEEPER " ... !!!!!!!    
Than The Types ... Who Choose To Rely ...    
On ... EGO FILLED PRIDE And Being Sly ...    
YES I'm THAT Guy Whose Words Design ...    
Fine Lines Inclined To .... OPEN MINDS ....................................    
But Just Like DARTH ... !!!    
I Have .... DARKSIDES .... !!!!!    
Why Walk THAT PATH When We Can Find ...    
Ways NOT TO Fight And DESTROY LIVES ... !!!!!!    
Come On Now Folks ... !?!    
YOU KNOW ........    
...... " That's RIGHT " ...... !!!!!!
So many things inspired this, however, as said, mostly simple interactions with people .....
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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