I was never Enough for you I realized this today As I was walking among tall skyscrapers Noticing how small I was in comparison I never felt fully satisfied With you Not because I made comparisons to others But because I compared myself To who I thought You should be Which only left me with Chronic disappointment Because I could never live up to who I Wanted us to be I couldn’t be satisfied with myself In the present moment I was never good Enough I always needed to be better Yet I unknowingly proceeded to chase After something I would never achieve Because the closer I got The farther it would stray from me Due to its continuous transformation But not anymore You see Healing thrives in forgiveness It’s almost as if it’s needed And I have forgiven you You caused us harm in many ways Yet I still hold you dear Because I know now why we did suffer I forgive you for the hurt And with this forgiveness I begin to embrace who we once were While happily accepting the reality Of who we are today And will be in the future Knowing it has been built On the sorrows of yesterday