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Jan 2020
She's ... One of THEM ... !!!
Who DISMISSES Men ... !!!!!!!    
Because She Says She's INDEPENDENT ... !!!!!    
And In This Case THIS ONE Is French ...      
She's ... One of Them Who Avoids Questions ... ?!?    
DOESN'T Answer HER PHONE ... ?!?    
Or Respond To ... Texts ...  ???    
But CLAIMS That She IS NOT ... " Shallow " ... !?!    
Well This Is How The Story Goes ... !!!      
She DOESN'T TAKE ... " E's " ... !!!    
So She ..... " Says " .....      
But It's My Guess She'll Do Some Coc' ... !?!    
She's ... One of THEM Who Plays With Men ... !!!    
So Watch Yourself Fellas ... !!!    
DON'T Get TOO CLOSE .... !!!!!    
INDEPENDENT ... " Yes " ...      
Or ... So She Says ... ?!?    
An INTELLECTUAL Who CLAIMS She Thinks ... !!!    
But Is From The School Where Men Buy Her Drinks ... ?!?    
You Know The TYPE About Whom I Write ... !!!      
They ... Appear To Be Nice ....      
But TRUST ME Guys ... !!!    
You'll Pay THE PRICE If You DON'T HOLD ...      
Your Wallet ... TIGHT ... !!!!    
Girls Like This And YES ... " Women " ... !!!    
Tend To Be ..... " BIG FEMINISTS " ..... !!!    
Who End Up With Male Chauvinists ... !?!    
Because These Men ...      
Don't Give TWO ***** ...      
What These Girls ... " Think " ... !!!    
They Just Unzip And Spread Their Lips ...    
******* Like THIS Just Make Me ... SICK ... !!!!!    
Some Resort To Lesbians ... ?!?    
While Some Just CLEARLY Make BAD PICKS ... !!!!      
**** Buddies Who Are ... NASTY ... !!!!!    
**** Dastardlys' ....      
With ... " Slick Lyrics " ... !!!    
To Get Their ***** UP IN ******* ... !!!!    
So Let Me Ask You ... THIS ... ?    
Does It Make You ... TWITCH ... !!!    
When I Use The Word ... ***** ... ?!!!?    
Well Nowadays Most Girls Behave ...    
Like Being A ***** Runs Through THEIR VEINS ... !!!!!    
Because Their Brains Have Been ... Swept Away ..............    
By Things These Female Pop Stars Say ...      
How Many of THEM Have Spread Their Lips ....    
For Businessmen With .... "Tiny *****" .... !!!!!    
Who BUY THEM ... " Fame " ...      
" TOO MANY TO NAME !!!!! "    
******* Who CLAIM ... !!!    
" They DON'T Play Games " ... !!!    
"Did he have to use THAT WORD AGAIN !"    
"I'm afraid so *****, you know your name !"    
It's Such A PAIN ... !!!    
The COOLEST Girls Are RARELY Those ...      
Who ROCK Mens' Worlds ... !?!    
It Seems We Have OURSELVES To Blame ... ?!?      
Most Men Want A ***** Whose Attractive ... !!!    
Who ... Cooks And Cleans And Has A Brain ...      
Then Gets In Bed And Acts ... " INSANE "... !!?!!    
CRAZY *** And NOTHING Less ... ?!?    
But That's A DREAM We NEED TO FORGET ...    
Because NOBODY Is .... " PERFECT " .... !!!!!!    
And YES Those Words Apply To Men .... !!!!!!    
But Ladies If You're ... One of THEM ... !?!    
Who Likes To Play Around With Men ...      
REMEMBER ... !!!    
You Can Be ... PLAYED TOO ... !!!!!!!    
And Men Who Play Tend To ABUSE .... !!!!!    
And Make You CRY Into .... " Tissues " .... !!!!      
DON'T Be A FOOL ... !!!    
What You PUT OUT Comes Back To YOU ... !!!!!      
So If A Guy Is NOT Your Type ...    
Do What's RIGHT Just Say ... " GOODBYE " ... !!!    
But ... If You Like Him DON'T Deny ... ?!!!?      
Just Be STRAIGHT UP And SPREAD Those Thighs ... !!!!!    
Instead of Having ... " Lonely Nights " ...      
Because You Want To ...    
Make Him .......................... Wait ....................    
These Needless Games You Choose To Play ...      
May Make Him Think ...      
"This triflin' ***** is playing, tricks !    
It's time for me, to make my play,    
with women who, don't act this way !"    
And Then Of Course She'll Want To CHASE ... !!!    
Like HUNGRY Hoards Chase Dinner Plates ... !!!!!      
What Is It That Makes Girls Do This ... ?!?    
Act Like DIZZY DUMB Blonde Chicks ... !?!    
It's Like A DRUG They Can't Refuse To HIT ... !!!!!!    
It's CLEAR This Is The Way of Things ... ?!?    
Don't You Think It's Time To Enlist ...      
A More UPLIFTING ... Type of Fix ... !?!      
Before We LOSE This Wondrous Gift ...    
of Finding Love And ....... " HAPPINESS " ....... !!!!!    
Man And Woman ... Woman And Man ...      
Isn't That ... A BETTER PLAN ...    
Than *****'s Or ... Using Your Hand ... !?!    
These Days It's Hard To Understand ...    
Womens' Ways If You're A MAN ...      
Who WILL NOT TAKE Their STUPID Games ... !!!    
Girls Like THESE Who Like To ... " PLAY " ...    
Are Normally ... One Long HEADACHE ... !!!!!!!!!!    
Be CAREFUL Boys ... With Who You Chase ... !!!    
DON'T Let THEM THINK They RULE YOUR **** ... !!!      
USE Your Brain DON'T Play Their Game ...      
PULL Their Cards And EXPOSE Their Tricks ... !!!!!    
Before You End Up With A ***** ... !!!!!    
IF She Says She's ... INDEPENDENT ... !!!    
And CLAIMS .... "She doesn't need a man !" ...    
It's Likely That She's ...........................    
......... " One of THEM " .............
Inspired by a French womans' movements and attitude, who I met at a poetry event in Camden Town, London !
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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