The sun sinks differently under an undisturbed skyline.
I wonder if it has something to do with my eye-line, With the way I want things to happen on my time; The sun should set when I want and rise only when I co-sign. Here in suburbia time moves slow.
The sun moves at a half-time pace and so do the days.
I wonder if I’m missing out skipping out looking out for what’s racing past. In New York all time seems to do is pass But here it moves Slow.
I wonder if I wonder too much.
No time to wonder or wander in a city too full of too many too much too fast too busy I have to do do do before the day leaves me behind— Here, I leave the sun behind. Or it leaves me. Sometimes, time moves so slow I can’t tell if I’m rushing or dragging But I know that I’m moving and I think that may be enough.
I look up again and the sun has set. Today, it must be enough.