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Dec 2019
Do You Ever Wonder ?
Why So Many Men Hurt Their Human Brothers ... ?!?
Or As Time UNFURLS What's With These Girls ...    
Who Rush To Have Children They Don't Want To Mother ... !?!  
So Many Questions With Answers Uncovered ... ?!?  
Why Do People Plunder Don't YOU Ever Wonder ... ?!?  
Why Do People Do The Things That They Do ... ?  
ESPECIALLY Things That Lead To ABUSE ... ?!?  
Such Actions Bemuse And Leave Me Confused ... ???  
Some People Need Doctors Whose Surname Is ... " Who " ... !!!  
I Wonder Sometimes About Peoples' Minds ...  
Then Think of Those Smiling Who Have Little Food ... ?!?  
BELIEVE Me ... That's TRUE ... !!!!!  
It's Easy To Try And Avoid These Issues ...  
When Buying Your Car On Your NEW Platinum Card ...    
Whilst CLAIMING Your Life Is .... "EVER SO HARD !" ....  
From ...    
Bourgeoise Type Stars To Those Who CLAIM Class ... ?  
To Those Who Sit MOANING Whilst Drinking In Bars ... ?!?!?  
Who On Earth Do They Think They Are When People Still Starve ...  
Because of The GREED of These HUGE Companies ...  
Like Those Who **** Trees To Build Properties ... !?!  
I Wonder Sometimes When Writing My Rhymes ...  
What Concerns The Minds of ... GREED Driven Guys ...  
And Those Who Have GREEDIER Cash-Driven Wives ... !!?!!  
I Wonder Sometimes Will Poverty DIE ... ?  
And What's With The NEED For These Chemical Highs ... !?!  
Who Thought Up Designs To DESTROY Young Minds ...  
And Why Do We Comply With Those Who Feed LIES ... ?  
And Why Have We Always Let Truth Be DENIED ... !!!?!!!  
Why Walk Around Blind When You Have Good Sight ... !?!  
God Gave Us Two Eyes To See Through The L I E S ... !!!  
It Would Seem UNWISE To Choose To DENY ...  
Things That Might HELP Us To Live ... HAPPY Lives ... !!!  
I Wonder I Cry As Time Passes By .......  
Who Gave Me Insight To Write All These Rhymes ... !?!  
When SO MANY Think My Lyrical Twists ....  
Are NOT Fit To Give To Adults Or Kids ... !?!  
What Makes People Sink' To Doing These Things ... ?!?  
I Wonder Sometimes Will They Feel The STING ... !?!    
Many Are CALLED But Who Chooses Kings ... !?!  
Who'll Take The Fall ... ?  
And Who Will Be MAULED ... !!!  
I Wonder Sometimes Why Am I SO TALL ... !!!?!!!  
What Gives US THE RIGHT To Keep Animals Caged ...  
Spending Large Sums of Cash To Build Zoos And Act ...  
Like Putting These Animals On .... " Public View " ....  
Is The Right Thing To Do When People NEED FOOD ... !!!?!!!  
My Views Are UNCOOL To Those Who Now Choose ...  
To Buy Into Jewels And ... " DESIGNER Shoes " ...  
I Wonder About The MILLIONS of Pounds ... !!!!!  
Paid To TOP Top Sportsmen And Pop Singing Clowns ...  
Whose Songs Should Be ..... " DROWNED " ..... !!!!!!!!!!        
How Many of Them Think of What They Spend .... !!!!!!  
To Buy Themselves Homes In WELL SECURED Zones ...  
LOCKED IN Like A Crim' With Their TROPHY Women ... ?!?  
How Many I Wonder Ever Think About Others ...  
WORSE OFF Than Themselves When They Look At Their Wealth ...  
Then Think It's Their Duty To Give The Poor Help ... ?  
But Who Am I To Judge ... !!!?!!!  
They've EARNED All Their Stuff ... !!!!  
It's ALL Relative ...  
Well Sometimes I Wonder ...    
When I See How They Live ... !!!  
Should Anyone REALLY Live Life Like THIS ... ??!??  
When Poverty's Reaching SO MANY Young Kids ... !!!!!  
It's CLEAR That They DO So What of Their Roots .... ?  
How Many Conclude That What They've Been Through ...  
ENTITLES Them To ... Riches And Jewels ... ???  
How Many Are Fools Who Choose To ABUSE ...  
Values They've Infused When POOR In Their Youth ... ?!?  
Money CANNOT Make You Smile ...    
Or Give Happiness ... Or Fulfil Your Life ... !!!  
Because In The End It CAN'T Give You Children ...  
Or Buy You RESPECT Or Protect You From Death ... !!!!!!!!!!  
I Wonder Sometimes Why People LOVE PETS ... !?!  
But Then DISRESPECT Women and Men ... ????!????  
What On Earth Is Their Defence ... !!!?!!!  
For Treating PETS Like Their BEST Friend ...  
Whilst Showing Support ... For New Separatist Trends ... ?!?  
If I Got On ALL FOURS And Started To BARK ... !!!!!  
Would People LOVE Me ... With ALL of Their Heart ... ?!?  
It Seems They Would ... !?!  
Well They Can KISS MY **** ... !!!!!!  
And I REALLY DON'T CARE What Colour You Are ... !!!!!!  
Things Like THESE Are Leading Us UNDER ... !!!!!  
Feeding Pets and Vets ...    
While PEOPLE STARVE To DEATH ... ?!?!?!?!?!  
MANY Are Facing PERMANENT Slumber ...  
Because of NO FOOD To FEED Their HUNGER ... !!!    
How Many Die ... Who Knows The Number ... ???  
Who Cares To Question Well These Days I ...  
......... " Wonder ??? " ........
AN EPIC, However, there are quite a few EPIC Questions in it .........
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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