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Dec 2019
You Girls Who ... " Play Games" ...
Should Be ... " So ASHAMED " ... !!!!!
of Things That You Do To Get Your Own Way ... !!!
You Play With Mens' Minds So Much of The Time ...
That Guys Now Do Things That Aren't So Nice ... !!!!!!
Well .....  
This Piece of Prose Is Going To Show ...
Girlies' Who TRY ......
That Men Like ME ... !!!
Are NOT Those Guys ... !!!!!!
Our Minds Are Inclined To Look For The SIGNS ...
Like GREED For CASH And Coc' Head Types ...  
And Those Who Lead A ... DEVIOUS Life ... !!!!!!!!  
Those Who Like Coc' ...
Tend To Open Legs ... WIDE ...  
Until Coc' Supplies Become DENIED ... !!!!!
TRUST Me Guys Because That's NO JOKE ... !!!
But Some Nowadays Enjoy A Good Smoke ... !!!
NOT The .... " GOOD GREEN !?! "
But ... Skunk or Coc' ... !!!
I've Been There And Seen These Girlies Get ... " LEAN " ... !!!
And Watched Their Moods QUICKLY Change Tune ... !!!!!
I've Also Seen Boyfriends Start Hitting The ROOF ... !!!
When Games Women Play Make Them ... LOSE Their Cool ... !!!
CROCODILE Tears ...  
Is Where I'll Start First ... !!!
A Girl I Once Knew ....
Made My Temper BURST ... !!!
I Sexed Her SO HARD ...
She Pulled ... THAT CARD ... !!!!!
And MAN That I AM ... !!!
I Apologised ... FAST ... !!!!!
But Here Is The Part ...
That ... EXPOSED HER FARCE ... !!!
When We Woke Up She Gave Me A HUG ... ?!?
Then ... Spread Her Legs For Some More *** ... !!!!?!!!!
What More Can I Say ... ?
She Liked To Play Games ... !!!
But Liked The ... ROUGH Stuff ... !!!
REMEMBER ... " Some Girls " ...
DO MAKE FALSE Claims And DO CRY **** ... !!?!!
ANOTHER I Knew Liked To ARGUE ... !?!  
And YES ENJOYED ... ROUGH Treatment Too ... !!!
An ATTENTION Seeker And Female Fool ... !!!
Who Clearly Liked ... Verbal Abuse .... ??!??
One Night We Went Out ....
Then Simply A Subject We Had Spoke About ...
Made Her Behave Just Like A ... STREET CLOWN ... !!!
She Was ... " ACTING UP " ...
Like A ... Child In The Street ... !?!
While I Got In My ... Mercedes ...
Her IGNORANT Manner Was BEYOND Belief .... !!!!!!!
I Told Her FAST ... !!!!!
"Get in the car, you're playing the *** !
Don't think I won't leave you, I'm losing my cool !"  
No Wonder SOME Women End Up Black and Blue ... !?!
When They Choose To Use ... CHILDISH Attitudes ... !?!?!
Here Are More Exhibits ...  
of How Girls With ... " Tricks " ...
Make .... " DEVIOUS Moves " .... !!!
They ......  
Ring From Their Phone ...
When Their ... "Credit's Low" ..
Then When You're Cut Off ...
Fellas Know How It Drops ... !!!
They Wait ..................................... For YOU TO RING ...  
Then Talk On Your Phone Til' Your Bill Goes ... " Ch... Ching " ... !!!!!
Girlies' Like THIS Are So FULL of Tricks ... !!!!!!
Now Here's A Story About One of Them ...  
She Tells Me One Night ...
Her ... Bi-****** Friend ...
Is Having A Drink Up With Some **** Girlfriends ... !!!
She Told This ... "Young *****" ....
"Invite who you like, women or men !"
The ***** Then Told Me ...
"I'd REALLY like them !
Her Bi-****** friend and her **** girlfriends,
but inviting men, she couldn't defend,
because of the fact, there'd be drunken women !"
Of course I Said To Her,
"What's wrong with that koo ?
It's almost as if, you want us all for you !"
She confirmed .... " I DO " ...
Which ... Just ISN'T Cool ...
And Is NOT REALLY TRUE ... !!!
Cos' She Isn't Willing To Give ... " ****** Food " ...
She Just Wants ATTENTION ...
From Men She Can ... USE ... !!!
They Think They're SO SMART ... !!!!!
Well I Hope Their Vibrators ...
Cos' Men Nowadays ...
Watch These Girls From .................... FAR ... !!!!!
See Girls Who Play Games Are NOT All The Same ...
And Aren't All ... GOLD DIGGERS ... !!!!!
Some Are Much Worse ... !!!!!
They're ... " DEVIOUS THINKERS " ... !!!!!
Who .... Later In Life ...
May Face ... " PAIN and STRIFE ... ?!?
When Men Then Resort To ...  
.......... EVIL And LIES .......... !!!!!
Just For A Taste .... !!!
of The ... ULTIMATE Prize ... !!!
THAT ... SWEET Pair of Lips ...
At The TOP of Their Thighs ... !!!!!
They're Doing It NOW ... !!!
*******'s Hitting Towns ... !!!  
Now This Is NOT GOOD ... !!!!!
Girls Now May Get Found With Legs Spread Apart ...
NOT Knowing What Happened When Questions Are Asked ... !?!?!
Girls ... DON'T BE A VICTIM ... !!!!!
Because You Have VISIONS of CONTROLLING Men ...
You've Got A PROBLEM ... !!!!!
Girls ... Play The Game STRAIGHT ...  
Right From THE FIRST DATE Before It's TOO LATE ... !!!!!
Stay OFF The ******* ... !!!!!
I'm Saying I'm SAYING ... !!!
Most Men AREN'T Like ME ...
And Will Give You ... PAIN ... !!!!!!
Because They're ...  
Now SICK of .............. !!!
" Girls Who Play Games " .....
They most definitely, do exist, and are a breed of their own fa' sure !
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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