Change is a very big part in our life Actually life it self is a change Days change Climates change Months change Situations change And obviously people change It's easy for us to accept it when it takes place in a positive way Then why do we struggle to fit ourselves into a negative change When it's a positive change we are ready to take the credits for it But when it's the other way so why are we afraid of its repercussions Why is it hard to accept our faults which brought the change A caterpillar has to undergo metamorphosis to become a beautiful butterfly but why is it hard to take up the struggle after all you are going to emerge as an epitome of beauty Even then why does the fear of being crushed in the struggle comes up Why does the heart pain on thinking about the change Why does it ache , ache so terribly Here i am Going through a change A terrible change Will i ever get through this Will i ever accept it as a part of nature Will i ever get used to the pain this fear gives Even if I don't the change does not give a **** about it coz its a not a pigeon to be stopped by the storm its an eagle which flies above it overcoming all the obstacles and proving its cause... The change might give you loneliness frustration and may make the life darker but there is light in the end of the way Don't lose hope strong soul By A changing soul