Empty streets in the cold of night, An evening not so much as autumnal as it is of winter. The roads, lined with little pinpricks of light that seem to go on for miles, and miles, without a beginning nor an end. How does one differentiate a starting and a finishing point? The laws of physics dictate that displacement be calculated by the distance one has traveled from their initial point of motion. If I have traveled far and wide, and stepped into the same footprints that I made when I first left, I'd have come full circle; my displacement would be nil. Would it have been better to have been away, exerted all that effort, have gone through all the *****, and glamour, and excruciating moments of boredom and nothingness that life had to offer, just to come back to the same spot I started? Or would it have been better to just stay in place, mum and silent, with the world passing me by, like streetlights in the road, illuminating the way like signposts, to the end for some, to the beginning for others, but always -- always -- just a rock in the stream?