Can you help me forget? All the times that I've wept Over someone who only ever caused me pain While I wanted his heart To want mine. I think about him all the time.
I want someone to hold Keep my heart from turning cold Cause its hard when someones hurt your soul
I want someone to hold And help me forget the lies. Cause no matter how hard I try I see his eyes In my dreams
And I forget.
I forget the fear he made me feel It feels surreal He pushed and he swore I've never felt so scared before.
Scared- of the one I supposedly love? The one my heart belongs to This can't be true I just need to feel something new Something safe. Something that won't keep me trapped in a cage In a cage full of anger and rage Full of hate. I am in a state I never thought I would be in before I feel pain to the core
I don't want to feel anymore.
Can you help me forget? The times that I've wept Over the one who keeps my helpless heart on a chain
one day
That chain he will hold no longer For I am growing stronger Growing bolder I will not let this soul of gold Turn cold For I am strong
I need help.
So help me forget The times that I've wept And kept these tears and fears deep inside I don't want to hide Any longer. For I am