I am here. Whilst you're laughing in your ferris wheel of glamour and glittering lights Laughter so loud, you brandish names from your garish encrusted adverts. Notice me
In the midst of the battlefields of gargoyles, trolls, copycat thieves and twitter fights People call you vile names and comment on your growth I was always there. I am here
When you're out dancing with boys sunbathing on yachts and take private cars and flights As you work your way through a list of names of temporary love affairs. Notice me
Though your follower and disciple count multiplies to great saturated heights They want details and secrets, they want your undivided attention. I am here.
We didn't create this hateful game just Notice me! I like everything you do
You can't tell who's real, who you love or trust Which will expose you and watch? I am here
I exist Acknowledge me
Getting off the train in East Croydon there's this huge sign that say I am here and the arrow is lit up, I've not written a poem from scratch for a few years so this is probably a bit of a lazy step back in