Why do we call it a "Performance Review" When we aren't putting on a show
Why do we call it "talent acquisition" When nature didn't gift us to them
Why do we call it "workplace culture" When it's an artifice of art
Why do we call ourselves "employed" When it's for anybody but the will of God
Why are we stuck in this Why are we cursed to "field operations" Why are we lost in "development cycles" Why are we living for "benefits packages"
Why don't we curse the steel stakes? Why don't me make our own? Why get lost in knowing quarterly reports When there's autumn leaves, spring trees, summer heat and winter's snow?
Do not go gentle into that good night, Where your presence is given overtime Instead give your presence over time To the love of the one Who built gardens for us And will gift us away from the pain of this world Don't trust any who say it can be here Don't trust those who say paradise is a product When we are the product of paradise.