So many years since the mirror showed the fairest of them all. Long since the face, a friend once was, I do by memory now recall. Who was this face, this man... this once was just a mere boy? I knew him well so long ago in a world once knowing tastes of joy.
We walked in light and sun and no shadow harboured fears. But that face no longer greeted me as the shadows grew by years. I shared his hopes, his dreams and passions on so many sunlit day. So long since did things yet fade and so too his image went its way.
So long since and yet I still recall him as if from some other life. Slaughtered dream and hope and passion long dead upon fates knife. How long since he and I were one, I cannot quite recall. But perhaps that face I saw reflected was never there at all?
So many years ago... a lifetime so it seems... When once my own reflection and I... Shared a world inspired by hope and the same dreams.
A face, a man, a boy I thought I would always know, So long since and too many years ago