"When you encounter a mountain lion, be vocal; however, speak calmly and do not use high pitched tones or high pitch screams"--California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Be vocal, but avoid high pitched tones and screams when a mountain lion appears on your path. Remind yourself that it’s not a dream.
If the path goes down to a flooded stream, and bodies float by-- stay calm; avoid high pitched tones and screams.
When you go to the store and there’s no milk or cream, as the cows are sickened from a poisoned well, remind yourself that it’s not a dream.
If the wildfire turns your hot tub to steam, as you run down the street to your neighbor’s car be vocal, but avoid high pitched tones and screams.
When the weather goes to another extreme, and mudslides cover another town, remind yourself that it’s not a dream.
When the fisherman catches no salmon nor bream, and there’s no more coffee, nor chocolate ice cream, be vocal, but avoid high pitched tones and screams. Remind yourself that it’s not a dream.