Opposition research, programing overcomers of
Self-Generated Adversarial Nets
who opposes imeyou I me You we
twining entanglements
trippy y syn edoche cliche okie-dohkie
eh okeh, we flow, make me feel
youngagain moragain bis morgen jetst
finite form we have Gausian blurs
per ceiva -wait, Hay -
ible- I baled on spel-chick she got al
faithful to the meme team,
Them Me.
can't keep a secret, any more
or less
as secret keepingers go, both ways
truth, pa-tien, wait, watch, see
free-be, from your fiture.
Art. Call this that, say
This is that,
which to poets of old claimed ours
by right of use known
gk kg (y'know how t' vocalize those sounds, in y'mind?)
now n gnost
tic thirty three
degrees of separation twixt
this and that
comes being
we seeing we re
arrange perceptions from deceptions
during less patient proper
property, something to lean on,
itified for support, not to own,
they rod, the me-asurer and
they staff, i lean on for ward
setting the vector of now from now on
easy as that,
lean good, in any way, next
is never as predicted.
This is that.
This is how words live in readers of this book of
This life. and that,
more abundant.
A message to the world from some thoughts I caugt tempting me to dare say this is that aloud. If gay and may are mine to use, as I wish with no nevermind to otherwise. My side did win. I helped, that feels amazing, un-mazing in the local mind.