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Aug 2019
It Seems That ... FEAR ... ?
Is groWING ... Here ... !!!

Because Some People ...
Have Shed ... TEARS ... !!!

TEARS Because ...
A Loved One's ........ GONE .........................................

This ... OF COURSE ...
Is CLEARLY ... WRONG ... !!!!
Cos' Fear Right Now ...
Does NOT ..... Belong ......
On ... London's Streets ...

WHY ... Wage WAR ... ?
When We NEED ... Peace ... !?!

PEACE and LOVE ...
and ... UNITY ...

DON'T ... " Presume " ...
That I'm ... GUILTY ... !!!!!

You DON'T KNOW ...
What Type ... I BE ...

I Just Write ...
TRUE Poetry ...

That's REAL To ... Me ... !!!

These Are Words To ...
WAKE The ... "Herds" ... !!!

What You See ...
Are Visions ... BlUrrRrRRREeedd ... !!!!!

Visions BLURRED By ... " Fallacies " ... !!!
Visions BLURRED By ... " Tragedies " ... !!!

Do You See ... ?
The Things ... I SEE ... ?

Judgements Made ...
By ... " Met' Police " ...

RAIDING Homes ....
Like ... "Forty Thieves" ...

What I SEE ...
Is ... Met' Police ...
Pointing GUNS ..... Needlessly ...
At Young Men ... Who Look Like Me ... !!!

Asians TOO ...
Are Now ... DISPLEASED ...
By ... ABUSE ...
They SEE On Streets ... !!!!

Meantime ........
ALL We're Hearing Is .....

from, Young Muslims !"

WHY ... !?!

If They Know ...
... EVERYTHING ... ?!?

Those INVOLVED ...
In ... Bus BOMBINGS ... !!!

That's Why NOW ...
Police ... WILL STING ... !!!

Now Isn't THIS ...
A ... " Funny Thing " ... ?!?

IF They ... " KNOW " ...
About ... THIS STUFF ... ?

Why KEEP Making ...
Such A ... FUSS ... ?!?!?

Putting FEAR ...
In Those Who ... " Trust " ...
Riding On ... A London Bus ...

NOW It's FEAR ...
That They Hold DEAR ... !!!

It's A ... STRAIN ...
On ... MANY Brains ... !!!!!!!!!!!

Riding On ...
London's ... Tube Trains ... !!!
It's THE SAME ... Time and AGAIN ...

Asians NOW ...
Can Get ... TWO SEATS ... !!!!

cos of This ...
A ... TRUE Story ...

A Friend of Mine ...
A Young ... " Asian " ...

Was On A Train ...
With .... " Caucasians " ...

When They SAW ...
The Bag He Had ...

They STEERED .............................................. CLEAR ........

Now ...
AIN'T That ... " Sad " ...

This is WHY ...
It Made Him ... MAD ... !!!!!

He's Born and BRED ...
In ... THIS HERE Land ...

and He Is A ...
... CLEVER Man ... !!!

English Wife ...
and ... Two Children ...

He Is NOT ...
A ... " TERROR Man " ... !!!!!

But He's Suffered ... RACISM ...
From .... Guess Who .... ?

YES ... Englishman ... !!!
Who .... BELIEVE ....
What's On ... NEWSSTANDS ... ?!?

This Stuff NEEDS to .................................................................­................. Disappear ............. !!!!!!

News Stories ...
CREATING ... Fear ...

WHO In ... England ...
REALLY ... Gains ...
A London Train ... ?!!!?

It's MUSLIMS ...
Who Will Gain ... ?!?

From These ... " Acts " ...
Take A Sec' and ..... Think On THAT .....................................................

Do You Get ...
What I'm Saying ... ???

No ...
Well Let Me ... TRY AGAIN ... !!!

OF COURSE It's ... Muslims ...
Who Will ... GAIN ...
From These ... " Acts " ... !?!
Take A Sec' and ... THINK ON That ........................................................

It's Muslims NOW ...
That Face ... REAL PAIN ... !!!
From Londoners ...
Who FEEL ... THIS Way ... !!!

HATRED ... IS ...
A HORRID Thing ... !!!!!!

What You See ...
Ain't ... EVERYTHING ... !!!

Check Through ...
The Past .......................................

They've LIED BEFORE ... !!!
From ... " Watergate " ...
To Clintons' ... ***** ... !!!

This Is TRUTH ...
It AIN'T ... " Folklore " ... !!!

Hatred ... YES ...
I Do .... ABHOR ... !!!!!

Check The STATS ...
and DON'T ............................. ignore .........
Why ... WE'RE HERE ...

We AREN'T Here ...
To Shed ... " False Tears " ...

Use Your Eyes Man ...
Steer .................................................................­... WELL CLEAR ..................

of ... This Thing ...
That We Call ........

...... " FEAR " ......
Fear is a manipulative tool, and, as terrible as these tragedies and bombings have become, there needs to be some thought, rather than blind faith in what the governments feed us as being the truth. London in 2K5, became a hot bed of sirens, arrests & FEAR, that made me write this .....
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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