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Aug 2019
This decadence of American dreams, falling to pieces, unraveling at the seams.
Endless commodities of politics and lunacy, a rebranding of everything that means to be β€œfree”.
Trapped in cages of hopelessness and rage, struggling and impoverished of bottom line wage.
A chokehold on rights with norms of hypocrisy,
this is the new wave of our nations Democracy.

Slipping through the cracks, choices condemning our rationality and all of our facts,
Thoughts and prayers, a plea bargain of despair,
settle for these words settling a lack of care.
Voices demanding action, but falling short again,
time and time we see it clearly, and lacking to win.
The golden rule broken into pieces and sold,
this is the new wave of a nation turned cold.

A juxtaposition of middle class and poverty, where the American Dream is a novelty.
Building walls to escape these faulty lies, hanging by a thread as the innocence dies.
Nobody is safe playing into rich men’s gain, a 1% holding overhead of commoner disdain.
A generation for the lost, as timed out tears commence, this is the new wave of a shattered defense.
Rob Metz
Written by
Rob Metz  28/M/West Virginia
(28/M/West Virginia)   
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