i did not know, that loving her would be unravelling the bubble wrap from the thorns she held within
pulling the insubstantial strands of spiderweb silk apart to discover the crimson that did not come from her but from the storms that lashed her into into a million pieces.
i did not know falling for her was akin to being impaled on her vicious thorns
but also being folded into her embrace velvety smooth against my skin her head resting on my shoulder her arms tight around my waist
i did not know that within that exquisite exterior - for she was so perfect to me - hid a darker side which she had never dared to reveal
i did not believe that this fragile flower was far more tenuous than anyone had seen her before
that she had faced entire hurricanes made of ice and flint winds that had scorned her with bitter frost and mocking glimpses of relief thunderstorms
and when i pulled away from her retreating retreating back into the warmth of the sunshine that awaited me that when i was soaking up the healing balm of the sun
i did not know that she would pull her petals shut that she would fall apart so heartwrenchingly that the mystical colour which i loved so so dearly about her would drain from
my rose.
this is dedicated to you: you who were so dear to me. i will never forget you.