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Jul 2019
She taught me alot of things.
But mostly regarding human beings.
That they can be a handful sometimes.
Coz they know nothing about being precise.

She told me to find meaning in everything i do.
And that dreams do really come true.
She always told me, she didn't have money.
Even after i saw it.

She always warned me about boys.
I didn't get why.
As i grow older,
I'm starting to see what she was talking about.

I dream one day, i grow up to be like her.
And give my daughter the best advice as well.
I love my mom so so much
Written by
Mbali-Enhle  19/F/South Africa
(19/F/South Africa)   
         jordan, Harshit Nangia, X, Carlo C Gomez, Edward and 15 others
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