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Jun 2019
The last time i saw you was February sometime
I dont remember what i said
But i know i was bored enough to leave early
I regret everything in my past.
I wish i spent more time with you
When i had the chance
Now you were taken away
By the hands of death themself
And ill have to deal with the guilt
Instead of spending time with you
I chose to watch tv and pretend it was okay
I loved you so much.
I never showed it because i was stupid.
I know that now.
I wish i spent more time with you.
Now she spends her days sitting alone
Wishing you were by her side
But you were taken away.
She prays to have you back
To hug you one last time
But no one is listening
I blame myself for her pain for it was my fault
I didnt do anything, and thats why its my fault
I couldve done more
I couldve came over more often.
I couldve talked with you over the phone
You raised me for half my childhood
I wish i spent more time with you
For ill never see you again.
Youre gone for sure now.
Seeing you in the bed made me cry
I shouldnt hugged you everytime
But i avoided it because i was stupid
Now ill never hug you again.
My mom cries for your death at night.
My dad says youre with the angels.
I cry every night over you.
I cry for your life being taken away too early
Grandmother cries for you but doesnt let it show.
Last time she talked to me
She reminded me of the past
And she cried and hugged me tighter.
Sometimes i feel your presence.
I try to hold on to that
But soon the guilt overtakes
I miss you so much.
Im sorry i didnt try harder
Its all my fault.
I wish you hadnt passed away, grandfather.
Its all my fault. I regret not hugging him more. 4-22-19
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