two lines is not a poem its two lines it has no substance no structure its a thought someone caught is it noteworthy not in the least but the person who writes without themselves there not present here in the moment of all the people who do such who think it only takes that much should give your head a wobble it's just a load of cobbleΒ Β the two lines are just that like a load of tatt truly poetry comes from a calling a memory a feeling is nothing dust blowing in the breeze you make a mockery of the art like you just would **** all over your page not bleed at any stage is it because your simply not smart enough to have a worthy entry dig deeper into your soul if you lack the talent of this simple art pray tell are you worth more than a **** ? if you throw art away thinking you can walk away then i have this to say your not an artist your stuck in self pity look in the mirror and think where did you go or did you just blink those two lines bug me more than any times i've seen anything else are your not incapable or simply not know how i think you just don't give the art the respect it so needs look at yourself a poem is not two lines a thought a passing a nothing this is not your diary find somewhere else to share because i for one care you lay the art bare more effort should be found if your words are to be sound.