I let my body become breathless, A battered rag doll Willingly letting The life Slowly trickle out of my nose Drip down my lips And vanish Into the musty air.
“I want to wear
Your smile on my sleeve And break
Your heart like a horse Or it’s leg.”
I have a small life, It only stretches a span Of about five miles. My bed To my job. It used to go on For hours And find you In your darkest moments. I would travel on grungy Public transportation Just for your Sunshine smile.
“I want to call you thine
To tattoo mercy Along my knuckles.”
Tattoo mercy Across my neck, Plead for the life giving Powers Of my own throat As I feel the oxygen drain from me In all too familiar Panic.
“I hope
To have you forgotten By noon.”
You were my Most consistent Safe place. I wanted to cradle your dreams And worries in my arms And restore your love of life. I love you. You were the first person I could look at And know that my love for you Could cause a moon landing. And I never want To forget that feeling. I go back to it In the middle of the night When I feel incapable Of doing good.
But you’re trying to break my heart.
And that will not stand.
Exerts in quotations are from ‘I’m Trying to Break Your heart’ by Kevin Young.
The Mellon, if you’re reading this, my grandmother accidentally donated almost all of your **** to Goodwill.