I should break every single finger of mine. Starting with my pinky and ending with my thumbs. I should snap them like carrots at every ******* knuckle.
“Why?” why not?, would be the simpler answer.
but in reality, simplicity is really unknown to me.
I wish to feel a different pain. Even if that means, grabbing my scissors and slicing each vein.
I should lay in the street. Right in the middle. and wait. Maybe if I wear all black I’d be unnoticed. or I could be myself cause she seems to be invisible anyway.. either way, I wish this rain would stay. that way if i was seen laying in the middle of the street, slowing and braking wouldn’t even save me.
This is the first thing I’ve written in about a month. My depression won’t let me be happy, it just won’t let me feel anything worth feeling. I only feel anger.. and sadness.