I walked all alone a small city sometimes it dialects into three districts other times I am lost like a baby born who has been put to live they say we have free will I laugh with misery in me my heart pounding and I question why I was born at all I spent my lifetime reading, books are gentle friends it is a give and take game you isolate hours and fall with no consent into another brain whether it is dead or alive you fall you say you do not care but you read and read you feel less lonely even though, you spend your nights in your room candles lit, your demons are awake and they are next to you haunting you 3 AM and you are still holding that book wondering if you have ever really existed do or do not right and wrong does it matter? you fly from your third dimension and throw yourself in Andromeda loneliness is eating your insides they think you are insane but you are too woke to stop nourishing your brain, with whatever seems boring and useless to the majority. But we are the minority, we see the world the way it is.