Bring me to life Let in the light Free my tormented soul As I wait, Alone with this empty horizon.
Slowly, but surely Loneliness fades as the mountains rise up to meet me Billowing above Silhouetted across the sky Stoic and unmoving Their life runs so deeply across the earth Without the posions of fear and hate To disrupt their simplicity And their complexity They are pure existence And this moment is everything So I join them.
Air coats my throat and fills my lungs Allowing the vibration of energy Radiating from all that surrounds me To dance across my skin Through my body and Into my bloodstream
I am by myself on this road But I cannot feel lonely Every inch of nature that surrounds me Has invited me into their energy Into their space and sense of freedom Pure acceptance No judgement From the wisps of white dancing through blue shades of infinity To the neverending marathon of greenery, fields and shrubs jog to the edge of forever I cannot be alone As my heartbeat joins the rhythm of the universe