i need to get out. out. but do you know that it´s that conversation that keeps me captive?
you don’t. and i mean, how could you? when you were right:
about not being meant to be. & a part of me hates that phrase. meant to be? i mean i believe there could be many ‘meant to be’ relationships. maybe “ours” wasn’t one.
but your. choice. of words. your method of saying. or not saying. really?
agreeing with me? when you know that that is never ever a way of telling someone.
i may be crazy. but i am not that kind of crazy. & bringing the opinions of your friends in?
huh. i guess you did go there.
i’m the kind of crazy that cries, but doesn’t stalk insatiably. the crazy that has past pain, but does not use it to manipulate. the crazy that gets hurt, & clearly the kind that drives you away.
i liked you despite your difficulties. & i know you didn’t owe me anything like that, because ultimately it was your choice. but it did hurt what you said.
i liked you because you seemed so much more different than those who would tell you i am crazy. but maybe not. when i said that other people would see me as “a crazy b*tch”, i never said that i thought that about me. but by confirming that’s what your friends would say, & by making me feel i was? maybe it was for the best.
this is the part where you would say that that is what i felt & not what you said or did. that i can’t blame you.
i know that. & i am not thinking you are the bad guy. quite the opposite actually.
i just know that anyone who makes me feel that way whether it be intentional, unintentional, or simply coincidental, it’s a feeling that doesn’t go away easily & that when they make me feel like that, i need to reconsider my distance.
& how could you have known that that is how i felt? well, you aren’t stupid, & you could see that i was hurting, & you know the decent thing to do.
it may be my fault for feeling that way when that wasn’t your intention (?), but i did feel that way, & i never wish that upon anyone (it crushes your soul, just a little bit each time you think of it).
& i most definitely have never been in the situation where someone would feel like that after the words i had said or not said.
i want to dedicate this to anyone who is labelled a crazy b*itch for having baggage, a mental illness, or for simply having emotions; you don't deserve the hurt that people make you feel.