They're never there when you are looking at the mirror and calling yourself disgusting, and that you're hideous.
They're never there when you are on the verge of tears when something impacts you dramatically.
They are never there when you want to cut yourself so bad.
They ask how you are doing, they ask what you want and need.
But do they really care? You just get money out of me do you want to help or do you want the money to survive.
After this you always go back to your happy home planning the next family vacation
But I always go back to the loneliness, the dark room that doesn't shut out the screaming behind the walls.
I go back to feeling like I'm nothing and that I'm unwanted
Sure maybe some of us have a therapist that actually helps us and makes us feel better and secure. But there is this part of us that always goes back to feeling this nothingness