I believe in life after love The feeling of joy in everything I see The smile on my lips that only I could put The feeling of the sun on my skin The smell of a rainy day without mood swings That strength of coming to life Of feeling your heart heal again And knowing that it will beat one day But for now it only beats for you The feeling of walking around town With a genuine smile And no sadness of seeing where we first met The joy of seeing couples so in love and entranced Knowing one day, someday that will be me again Full of life, joy and love All because I lived after it was all taken away For with loving me, I will never accept less In a way I’m glad you broke my heart before Because of the great pain an even greater lesson I learnt That love is never love if you don’t love you first And now self love repairs my heart slowly and steadily each day And it is a wonderful feeling I cant explain how wonderful, And I believe in life after love Because I lived before your love came And I will also live without it Because I have me, something you’ll never have again - Jojo.poetry.
even when it feels like its the end if you let yourself live you will realize life isn't bad its just some people who are