Did I wake up this morning? Am I walking in an endless nightmare? A confined circle of my own mental construction of which I am stabbed by this fear of the unknown. When in reality existence is the unknown. Did I wake up this morning?
Cup of coffee, empty in minutes. Breakfast devoured drive to work finished. Is my inner self as empty as my cup? My plate? My drive? One foot in front of the other Walking towards ceasing Until then, an endless cycle a nightmare of failure. Broken up with the numbing. Did I wake up this morning?
Working. Working. Working. Am I a dull boy? Is it because the bonds that actually remind me of worth are slowly broken by this pointless endless stream of earning of learning? That's what They say. But what am I truly discovering? Enlightenment is nowhere in sight. In its place, a puddle of mediocrity; of this monotone routine. A cage. Is this my own, subtle hell? Have I been bad? Did I wake up this morning?
It always crosses my mind that maybe I haven't ended it all simply because I am truly afraid of the nothingness. The true breaking of the routine. That I am more afraid of that than the normality in this emptiness. Is it because deep down like the others I believe that maybe there is something to hold on to? Did I wake up this morning?
Part of me is okay with the idea of this being a sort of subtle hell. Because in the depths of this emotional abyss I find solace in love. The burning empathy I have for all life. And most of all for my family. My friends. My lover. These people are those that throw me a rope and at least temporarily dig me out of this mental nightmare. And if this temporary bliss they give me in this infinite insanity despite perhaps them not existing at all isn't what being alive feels like, maybe I am okay with being dead. Of existing in this looping dream inside my head. Did I wake up this morning? Perhaps I don't care.
I'm back. I brought some darkness with me. Hope you don't mind.