I’m starting to think she may have died gone up to blue tick heaven after being verified Caught up in a mockery of an internet led democracy World wide fame to blame for the tragedy Her Tightened grip on reality was merely a saga of concise works of fiction.
She tried to Reach out for profanity and found a hundred degrees reality. Well It all means nothing to nobody now Here comes latest trend you’d be mad not to bow.
Been inactive for days lost track of the newest craze Whilst her exploits were insightful They ultimately led to her downfall Spin the wheel line up to play the game Because nobody remembers your name Only your handle.
I’m starting to think maybe she lost her mind all of the tape unravelled when she tried to hit rewind. There was no filter there when she opened the window to look outside without the second source she was unable to decide she went offline to go backpacking in the sky I wonder why? It all seems so alternate With her curtains drawn at the break of dawn it seems so analogue. She had a shockproof phone case but I can’t say the same for her mind