she called out as she passed on by in that transient light faded and glorious that her caring enriched every single glance simple and endearing forever lingering in her most loving eyes that held me in my moving gracefully away into the warm nights unspoken mystery into the tale once so carefully crafted...
she called out as she passed on by it wasn't the words that captured me it was all the loves my life has known laid out before me like playing cards forever hoping for that lavish reward just a chance to turn it all in one simple motion back to the enduring light i once found so quick yet so fleeting that i only had time to embrace before the song ended...
she called out as she passed on by it wasn't the words that stirred me it was her hand holding mine that connection that i have always cherished simple and beautiful and oh so true... making my heart younger in its true warmth... making my days all run together into a sweet symphony of images of time shared a sweet melody of moments enshrined forever in my loving eyes
she called out as she passed on by but it wasn't her words that were music to me it was all the loves my heart has known framed in the reflection of her eyes