Suger kisses Silly crushes Candy hearts ask "Will you be mine?" Wandering eyes A glance at her thighs Thorns on the roses in the bouquet you bought yesterday Two things that can pierce And in between Two things that bleed Heart shaped cardboard boxes Filled with chocolate And caramel Walking through target Commercialised, consumerisim And everyone likes talking about how This holiday is what it is for more sales Than romance And its true Sugar hearts do not equal ancient love But we love to spend Money and time On someone we love Or someone we are saying sorry to Maybe its the same one Humans are so cute Making cards Red and pink And surprising with favorited Chocolate things But today is take out The girl your 'one true' doesn't know about Or maybe they do But choose not to mention it Because maybe they Really
Lacy black things Long receipts Long nights Not at the office Where you claim to be Let me ask you Were the flowers for her
As large, and as beautiful,
As the flowers for me?
Things I hear about in wine tainted conversations between the wives