The wall was white Aside from the small gray crack in it I couldn't stop staring though Even though the sight of it never changed I just kept watching it Watching the crack blur in and out of focus Kept thinking I don't want to forget I don't want to be okay In those hours when I couldn't sleep When I watched the sun sink and rise without blinking When I was sick with regret And longing And hurt I didn't want to forget it I knew time would heal me Knew that everyone's words were true And I'd someday feel acceptance Instead of grief But I didn't want it I wanted the gaping wound to swallow me To live on and plague me To carve it's way inside of me day in and day out I needed it That pain was all I had left of you The howling despair The crippling anxiety The dull and glassy eyes I needed those things so badly That the thought of losing them burned me It made my insides roil and turn The thought of ever being okay without you Was a thought I couldn't bear I needed to miss you To loathe a life you weren't a part of I needed to long for you So desperately that my lungs ached And my temples were sore I had already lost you I couldn't lose the pain of it too I couldn't lose that feeling I suppose I was afraid Afraid that if I lost that pain Or if I forgot you for even a single day That I'd forget about how I loved you I didn't know it then That kind of memory can't be lost That love endures even after it shouldn't Time has healed me Wounds have closed The months I spent agonizing passed The rivers I cried have emptied But the memory of you never faded The love I have for you never dissipated To this day, I can still see you Still remember you And I've learned That there will be a thousand white walls There will be millions of tiny cracks in them And I will always remember the holes you left in me But more so I'll remember the spaces you filled I am okay I am the very thing that terrified me But I have not forgotten Mourning you still lives with me Loving you still burns in me And memories of you still linger