Beautiful That's what I thought When I saw her I didn't know it then Everything about her Was what I wanted to be What I wanted to love To envelope To keep I didn't know it then That she would be my rock My uprise And then my downfall She was a symphony A mess of danger and teasing smiles She was wild hair Fire and sunshine Iron and cotton She was both a goddess And a warm bed My solace at midnight My birdsong in the early morning The perfect cup of coffee And a smooth shot of tequila Life with her in it was artwork An exquisite disaster Everything I didn't deserve She was needles and pinecones A rough exterior guarding a gentle heart But her arms were a comfort Her voice a lullaby In the static of the world She was a bright crimson stripe A vibrant array of color Amidst the dull black and white Everything I needed And nothing I could have I was a fool then I can still taste the regret on my lips Feel the longing in my bones I can feel her when it rains And hear her in the still of the night The memory of her is burned into me Like a brand Or a scar Or the sting of despair I could have held on If I'd known how vital she was The spine of my life The nerves The very air I breathed If I'd known I needed her then Loved her I could've had a heart as vast as the earth A love deeper than the oceans Passion that overtook volcanoes I could have had her At least for a while But that would have been enough If only I'd known