Teachers on strike, Eager to fight, For the education rights, That our community deserves. LAUSD, you got some nerve, To put your students in overcrowded classes, To deprive them of resources in many different aspects, Which limits their access To a quality education. Teachers are the foundation of this nation. Nourishing our hoods to decrease incarceration. Empowering the youth To establish the creation, Of a brighter future For them, for you, for us No more waiting for a change Taking action is a must Students need supplies, & so united we rise Striking for days Because our teachers need a raise Doing what it takes We will not be defeated Because full time nurses and counselors are needed This system is broken and we will not be cheated Speaking up because we've had enough of this treatment Its time to do what is right Now I ain't no preacher But let's speak up and show support to our wonderful teachers