But I am not you I could not understand The shock barely believed you Confessing his ***** hands
It rolled off like water from duck And I think I have plumbed the depths And gone the distance
But I am not you I don't know what its like To have been abused For you to believe that you didn't fight For all those years
Im not sorry I cant understand Its a much much deeper remorse than that Clutching at my hidden fears But don't think that means we cant go there Or that I will chicken out and leave you crushed behind Never ever Please begin to trust yourself and take my hand And show me your strength The ebbs and flows You need to heal me into your pain I am not you You are beautiful You are strong You did fight But the war is long And here you are still on the front line Never backing down Advancing with time Warrioress For many years you were a soldier of truth in a battalion of one
I need a medic My emotions have burst Someone stretcher me off
Im not you But im here in the trenches Im not turning back We're in this We're buying time back
I didn't really craft these words That's creepy They are just the truth unfiltered Im sorry there's no structure But who would want to build a monster
Im not ashamed anymore of saying what I feel to you I am becoming you believe me