Every morning we wake up get out of bed Get dressed Eat some breakfast But I want to ask you this What kind of breakfast do you have? Do you have a bagel with some cream cheese? Or a bowl of frosted flakes Yea it may be the important meal of the day For your physical health That is But what about your spiritual health? Does your soul thirst for God’s loving words? Do you long to take ten or twenty minutes out of your day To read His words that he gave to us And to spend time with him Or do you forget about it and say “I’ll read tomorrow I know will” And the next day passes and you say the exact same thing And it continues as each day passes by and by You start to lose your taste for the truth we all need to hear For the love we want to hear and feel from our heavenly father We should be dead because of how much we don’t read His word How much we don’t talk to him How much we push him to the sidelines When He longs for us to spend hours telling Him everything Whether good or bad He wants to hear our voices praising Him Uplifting others around us everyday We are alive when We know Him and continue to know more and more Until we fall over from being stuffed of food That we can’t get up but think and ponder until we fall fast asleep And dreaming about what we just learned And what we chatted about That’s what I want to dream of I want to wake up and the first thing I think of is God And say I am coming to my secret place to meet with you To feast on your word To memorize To dig deeper than I have ever dug before To just spend a whole day with you Others will ask me where I have been I’ve been trying to get a hold of you I will be oh yea Well I have been busy getting to know my Father And drawing closer to him I can just hear His voice when He is speaking to me I spend so much time I don’t care for all this worldly stuff In the world because it will all just disappear But I will go out one day and tell everyone what I have learned I want others to know who God is What he can do Because there is no one else like God Who is and was able to send His only son As the payment for our sins So one day we are able to come home Hear “Well done my good and faithful servant” That is what I want to hear I want to wake up and thirst for my Father’s words to me I want to hear everything he has to tell me I don’t want to miss one word But to take it all in and tell everyone I see I want us to wake up starving for spiritual food That’s what I want I don’t want to hear But what do you want? I’ll be praying for you all, to long for what I long for And to wake up thirsty and hungry for the truth And To have the chance to make someone’s day better To start the day of with a positive attitude And Joy With a beautiful smile for all to see And the others to see the light in you because There is just something different about you Be different with the light in you everyday