Rolling dice in the garden of eden Take chances so my heart will keep beatin Got a bad hand but I'm still goin all in Greed and avarice is my choice of sin
Gold chains are what I want choking my throat A sinking feeling on a sailing boat Need gratification to stay afloat Feelin sick I'm greener than my banknotes
Take risks play games with my life for a chance My life interwoven with my finance Paper and tokens have me entranced Material things have me romanced
Things always there when I reach for em Name your price and ill hit the atm Ask for my soul and its no problem Losin blood, sweat, and tears its no problem
Love can be bought Friends can be bought People can be bought Rights can be bought
Money and chance is what I call god I have lived life committing fraud When life is so deeply flawed You have to make your own god
Worship something in a sea of nothing Statistic and chance the sweet nothing Of something intangible feels so loving Imaginary value and numbers my calling