13 Dazed and confused Hiding from the world Hiding behind the canvas of your mind Seeing vibrant colors in a world that's black and white Seeing things no else could ever possibly imagine Making our universe your own personal portrait Pulling the moon through the window Dividing and conquering most of our planets orbit Paint brushes for fingers and oil paint running through your veins Creating beauty in mass destruction The boy with all the keys in the world with all the locks True to yourself and full of life 16 Dazed and more confused Still hiding Not from the world but from oneself The vibrants colors melted down into the cracks of earth Leaving life dull and grey Tore down your paintings and replaced them with posters of models Not the models you want to see But the models you’ve convinced yourself your suppose to like Lies,lies and more lies No longer true to oneself Paint brush fingers got wilted and turned into something ordinary Surround yourself with the oblivious Drink and party to fulfill your emptiness Copy of a copy of another copy What happened to you? Allowed the moon to turn on you and allowed your world to switch
I wrote this about my favorite character from my favorite book "I'll give you the Sun"