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Jan 2019
The problem is I've held on to hope for so long,
I had forgotten what I was even holding.
Now I've found the thing within my grasp
Has only been fabrication.

My heart aches so much inside
For the little girl who will never have you.
My body hurts to the core
For the adult who's become burdened.

Continuing like this is insanity.
What I put myself through for you
Will never be worth it.
Neither will you.

Releasing my grip will hurt;
Cramped hand from holding so many lies.
But by freeing myself from these ropes,
I can reach out for something new.

So I'll open my first
Feeling the weight lift off
But I won't let myself look back
And watch you drift.
Allison Wonder 2019
Allison Wonder
Written by
Allison Wonder  29/F/Ohio
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