I'll proclaim it from the Mountain tops, I'll proclaim it by the Sea; That Jesus Christ, lived and died, to set His Captives free. ~ I'll proclaim it to the multitudes, I'll proclaim it to the few; That Jesus came, to heal the lame, and give His life for you. ~ I'll proclaim it to the wealthy, I'll proclaim it to the poor; That Jesus Christ, shed His blood of life, to forgive our sins e'er more. ~ I'll proclaim it to the weary, I'll proclaim it to the strong; That Jesus lived, free from sin, not once did He do wrong. ~ I'll proclaim it to the Saintly, I'll proclaim it to the unsaved; That the blood He shed, for you my friend, was the saving grace He gave. ~ I'll proclaim it during the daytime, I'll proclaim it during the storm; That if you want Him, to enter in, He'll become your friend and Lord.