Tell her that she's beautiful. Build her up! Tell a woman that she's lovely and she's a Queen even if the attraction isn't there tell her. she's amazing tell her she has a beautiful soul tell her she's oh so wonderful. Someone is attracted to her so be aware. Tell her she is wonderful even when her beauty isn't something stunning. Build her! Because somewhere to someone she is beautiful to someone she is attractive to someone She'd be a blessing. and if you are to be her amazing Just say it build her. Tell her she is beautiful Tell her she's amazing Tell her she is the sweetest thing.
Compliment her. Just say it adore her just do it build her up. Just do it. Remember that somewhere Someone would be happy to love her.. Bless her. With words you can give like a tree. Adorn her with ornaments with the sparkling diamonds of your words. Uplift her and her smile should warm you. Her glow should bless you when she adores you. Just do it. Just say it. And look past everything else and watch her be her most confident self. Because you didn't hide your words on the Shelf You placed them in her where they can grow. So Just Say It. by selinasharday S.A.M 2018
SILENCE MEANS not giving not saying anything leaving others with nothing when they need uplifting. so just be a blessing