There's a radio on Blending into the drone of the car. Outside, it is silent. Silent trees, silent night. Inside, there is weight. All around, may as well be outer space. Dark, there's stars. I'm an astronaut Gazing through the thick paned glass. Inside, where there's weight, I feel completely Filled. And so separate from what's out there. Not just the stars, the trees, the noise, But the people, the laughs, the bounce. Tomorrow, I'll be buoyant again. Eyes wide, Limbs nimble, A-glow. Tonight, though, I am heavy Heavy in my hips and head and heart and ribs Every breath wraps me in an embrace of air I feel my stomach hug back. My eyelids steal kisses My legs melt. Inside (of me) there's weight Soft, sweet, lulling, drawling Weight.