My friends know far less than they think they know. I'm not good at lying - not at all.
"I was working" "I was at a driving lesson" "I was in the SU"
It isn't lying if I believe it. I think it's the disassociation That when the cuts that decorate my thighs split open and I find myself in the bathroom for hours trying to cover them up
I really do believe I am somewhere else
Somewhere where perhaps, I'm normal - surrounded by people who love me and we can laugh and laugh and laugh and cry together.
My friends, bless them are both a treasure and a curse. A curse because they aren't really my friends only friends of the persona I have constructed
they wouldn't like the real me she is no fun to be around - more dead than alive
A treasure because they give me a reason to open my mouth each day Give me a reason to think