There is a difference between pretence and adaptation Your mind constantly in motion Emotions, Rising up to the occasions Changing, Depending on different sitiations. ... To the British I speak English To the Polish, I speak Polish To the rich, I’m rich And not just in manner of speech
It's not pretence It just makes sense Adapting to every situation A constant change with diverse emotions Not just an illusion There are established illustrations ... To everything there are two sides Upsides and downsides What I call adaptation Some call pretence When I give an illustration Some come to my defence My aspiration to be better than I am My conviction to change who I am Has turned into deception Leaving behind frustration. ... The constant changes has its effect Some might call it a defect Just like trying to learn 10 languages at the same time In the end all you have is half-baked knowledge not worth a dime. A current situation To which there is no solution Adapt? Or pretend? You decide if this is a upside, Or a down side. In the end, a position you must take, “I am Half-baked.”