Ill go to sleep, close my eyes Dream of broken fireflies I cant see in this field of black Ive gone too far now, I cant go back.
Watching where I stand I cant be still Or I sink into the sand My shoes they start to fill.
My feet become heavy, Its becoming harder to walk Id shout and scream if I could even talk.
Long grass im grasping Lifting up my knee if only the fireflies weren’t broken id be able to see
without their fire theyre just flies they are my guidance and my eyes without my heart im as useless as Pinocchio’s nose without his lies
I feel the wind brush again my cheek The whisper of the banshee feels quite weak But when she screams I hope to wake up from this dream as dreams are more real as they seem.
Though I only see black I picture in my head The banshees mouth opening wide Off my fears she fed.
Her scream was as loud As a close truck horn The cry from a baby, as soon as its born
My ear drums thumping My skin feels torn I was faced with her violence There I stand, in the deafening silence.