From our lips springs forth an energy, We were to be an eternity in an instant A forever moment in the blink of an eye We fought it, and the battle was long But the chaos consumed us And emotions swept us away like a hurricane The universe looked at us and understood our need for one another You were broken, the world had made you feel isolated and cold I burned with the fire of a thousand suns and so fate brought you to me I reminded you what it was to love again, And you showed me why I shouldn't be afraid to love But the storm has calmed It left behind broken hearts And immortal memories I'll love you forever in a way Just not the way we thought on those late nights we spent together under the blanket ******, laughing like fools Staring like star struck teenagers into each other's eyes with a longing tragedies are written about I'll miss you I wouldn't take back a single second. So cheers to the future my darling may we both find happiness in the lessons we taught each other. -Vaun Niklaus Christiansen