A canyon between us A thousand miles wide I wish I could change this To be by your side
A valley that’s so deep And keeps us apart I wish I could fill it And rebuild our hearts
But the bridge was broken And all the pieces were lost I wish we could save it But at what cost
Our words seem to fail They’re taken by wind Carried far away Stripped away and thinned
You’re too far out of sight Just a shadow to a cloud I want to get to you I want to make you proud
I throw rocks at you It’s my way to talk My message is hidden Like the works of a clock
I hide what I mean Because I am scared That if you knew me You’d think I’m impaired
But I’ll keep tossing my rocks Hoping you’ll throw back So we can fix this bridge Crack by crack
Sometimes you have a really bad relationship with someone and you try really hard to fix it and you talk things out and it seems like the bridge between you it fix but there's always these cracks in it so that it can never go back to the way it was.