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Oct 2018
I wish I could go back to the time
When you were alone, afraid and confused
When things weren't alright at home
When you had no one else to turn to
I want to tell you it's okay
It's okay to not be alright
You may feel misunderstood and out of place
Like the darkness behind the light
You'll meet some great people
You'll make good memories
Even if it's not okay now
Believe me, it will be
You deserve the love you needed
Even if you didn't get it at all
Hold on tight and fight for it
Don't just give up and fall
You will use your pain as armour
And protect people like you
Your failures are your victories
Because you always seem to come through
Every time you get back up
Count that as a victory
The pain didn't stop you
You will become a better me
Celestinus Castillo
Written by
Celestinus Castillo  Non-binary
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