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Oct 2018
The Ink Stain
You can call this nothing but childish poetry if you want/
Because I say this with complete honesty/
Your opinions mean nothing to me/
Looking for the reason behind the why I find in every line of mine/
Without any doubt this empty is me when I'm in my honesty/
There is no lie for you to see when it's all the same thing as what's hidden inside this poetry/
I will say so what if you don't understand these words I write/
I don't care if you can read this pens bite/
Still as oil are these words the paper snow covered drifts white/
The reason my sanity has yet to flee/
Even though everyday I'm looking at this knife as if to find this mercy/
As I'm constantly bordering conformity of this eventual reality/
Lost in my own insanity/
As I'm individually ment to be mentally segregated/
To keep steadily the steady loss of a sane mentality/
As I kept barely shackled separately separate from my misery these memories/
When I deserve every memory intentionally given to me personally/
Specially those made to cause me pain inside intentionally attacking my happiness/
So I'll be honest/
To those the ones who sent them so they can dry the rain with a wipe to clear their eyes/
I apologise/
I'm like Dr.Jekyll holding on desperately to hide the Mr.Hide hidden inside/
With memories of the psychologically unsteady/
Symmetrically simplistic in this coloured poetry thats making up my reality/
Losing myself in some fantasy/
A chemical chemistry of evolutionary perplexities/
Changing the mentalities of the socially closed personalities/
The ones who are misunderstanding me and what's behind this poetry/
When there's so much more then this man and the fact he's lonely/
These poems being what I feel each night/
Why I'm able to continue to write/
Making these words rhyme to fight off these thoughts of some suicide/
Making up poems line after line/
The only thing that makes me feel fine/
It's what keeps me from completely losing my mind during these moments anxiety sneaks up from behind/
So I'm suddenly overwhelmed emotionally/
It's as if your falling apart and there's no one there that cares/
No one to make it stop but plenty in the part that's pressed to start/
Most days there's nobody to listen when your not sure if your life is worth living/
Sometimes the pain is so deep your needing something to numb every bit of what your feeling/
Now posted on this line paper that's been red dyed/
Maybe the hurt this time someone will see and finally take my words to heart/
Why the ink cord around my throat is still wet/
An the rest of it's spent on this borrowed piece of parchment/
A page from this mental thought process that's afflicted by the emotionally hopeless/
Constantly dancing with manikins of a manic drug addict/
With cut wrist to remind him that weak thoughts need to become nothing but static/
Keeping my mind distracted/
What secrets are you keeping in the attic/
I'm escaping into a straight jacket fearing my own love as the tragic/
When I've finally had it/
My heart I'll bury deep be it lock set with the sunset/
Secret is, the artist is ment to escape within the ink stain that's set/
This is that moment for me be it I'm now word spent so I went while the paint was still wet/
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