Sitting in a couch Looking at the empty ways Where their is no soul. Darkness fill me again and I try to escape But the light seem bright From far place and I go ahead. It's like a illusion Which left me in a chaos. Like a shadow where I am moving away My dreams are fading Like a flower in monsoons. It's a rainy day, so my tears falling, But I couldn't do things anymore Which make me feel alive. Because I am living a kind of life with new ways. So I kept watching around. Even echo didn't touch But the heart which beating in sense. So, I had come out of my past like coming from sea But forget to bring the pearl. And it's the loneliness Where no sign of footsteps, not a single sounds of echo But the beats of heart.
The loneliness where no sign of footsteps, not a single sound of echo But the beats of heart.